Top 3 Smart Marketing Techniques

  New to internet marketing? You're probably wondering where to begin promoting your business online. Read on to explore three smart marketing techniques to brand your business and attract more customers.

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process of improving a website's search engine rankings on Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and other sites through a variety of methods. Every SEO plan begins with keyword selection --choosing five to seven high-volume, attainable words and phrases to target throughout the campaign.

There are two main categories of SEO: on site SEO and off site SEO. On site SEO enhances a website to improve its Google performance. This involves a variety of strategic changes, from customizing page URLs to optimizing meta information and on page content.

Off page SEO, alternatively, promotes a website through the creation and modification of external content, including business blogging, articles, classified listings, directory postings and social profiles on services like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. SEO linking -- creating backlinks leading back to your site -- is another important part of the process.

2. Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Unlike an SEO plan, PPC smart marketing focuses on sponsored advertisements on Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Facebook and other engines. As the name implies, PPC charges advertisers by the click, so you're only paying for the traffic your campaign is bringing to your site.

Of course, clicks do not imply conversions. For a successful PPC smart marketing campaign, you have to create compelling ads that lead to relevant pages. This pleases search engines like Google, which reward such relevant pairings with increased quality scores. It also boosts your conversions, by showing people what they want -- and expect -- to see when they click on your ads.

3. Social Media Optimization (SMO)

Although many SEO linking plans contain a social networking component, SMO is important enough to constitute its own smart marketing field. SMO concerns a variety of different services, including:











And that's only the tip of the iceberg! Although it can improve a website's search engine performance, SMO is about more than SEO linking -- it's about reaching out to potential customers directly.

In many cases, the most effective way to spread a message through a social network is to do so through a power user: a Twitter user with a lot of followers or a Facebook user with a lot of friends, for example. If you can get a power user to link to your website, blog, or a relevant social profile, the benefits can be astounding.

Overall, it's important to remember that there's no ideal smart marketing plan, only a variety of techniques, some of which will be more helpful to your business than others.

Once a website has been constructed and the content optimized for the chosen key words, the main objective or strategy of a smart webmaster will be to submit the Website to the Search Engines and obtain as many Inbound Links and Reciprocal Links.

One-way Inbound Link is an external link pointing to your website from another site. You need not reciprocate in other words you do not have to link back to that website. On the other hand in Reciprocal Linking, to obtain an external link from another site pointing to your website, you have to link back to that site or reciprocate with a link from your website.

In recent times One-Way Inbound Links have received a lot of prominence and smart webmasters are spending their time, effort and energy in obtaining more One-Way Inbound Links rather than Reciprocal Links. The stampede to obtain One-Way Inbound Links is understandable once you know the facts and the benefits of having these links.

The Search Engines have begun to realize that many Webmasters have started adopting various ruses to artificially increase their link popularity and the page rank of their websites. Many website owners started manipulating the system to their advantage such as purchasing high PR links and adopting certain Black Hat techniques.

Hence the Search Engines have now begun to consider One-Way Inbound Links superior to Reciprocal Links because if a website links to your website without obtaining a link back, it clearly indicates that your site is a site of quality and that it is popular with a lot of other sites.

If your website has many One-way Inbound Links, especially links that are of quality and relevance then your website will be ranked higher than those sites with reciprocal links. So it stands to reason that the more number of quality and relevant One-way Inbound links you obtain the greater and faster your chances of increasing your link popularity and page rank and rank high in the searches for your keywords.

Smart webmasters soon began to realize the importance of one way inbound links and started adopting certain strategies to obtain them such as:

1. Submitting the website to high page rank quality directories and to Niche or specialized directories.

2. Writing high quality articles displaying their expertise and submitting these articles to article directories, article banks and article distributors, thereby creating a viral effect with webmasters picking up these articles and publishing them.

3. Participating in Forums and posting in Blogs with their links in the signatures.

4. Submitting articles to Social Bookmarking Sites. Most of these sites have a high page rank and are a valuable source for inbound links.

These Strategies not only help Webmasters boost the link popularity and page rank of their websites but also help the websites to rank high in the Search Engines for their keywords.

In addition to the above, Targeted traffic will soon start flowing from hundreds or even thousands of links in the Resource boxes of these articles, from Directories, Forums, Blogs and Social Bookmarking sites.

They are actually visitors searching the Internet for websites, products and services like yours or admirers of your expert articles who could end up as customers or members of your list.

Acting smart and adopting your strategies to suit the changing algorithms of the Search Engines is the best way to move forward and be ahead of the competition The ultimate goal is to obtain good Link Popularity, High Page Rank and substantial Traffic to your website. It appears that for all practical purposes, One Way Inbound Links have come to stay and the stampede to acquire these links will continue.

Keys to Unlocking Your Success

No matter what project you're undertaking or goal you are attempting, you want to be successful at it. And while the concept of the goal or project itself is the first step, there are three keys to unlocking success and achievement of your chosen task. Incorporate these factors into any of your projects or goals and your success is a guarantee.

First and foremost you must believe in yourself and your ability to achieve success. As quoted by Robert Collier, "Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself." If you don't believe in yourself or your ability to achieve your goals or make your dreams come true, you'll never be able to take the chances or risks that are necessary in choices that you make. You'll let the fear of the unknown create a roadblock you will be unwilling to move or even go around. Not believing in you creates a lack of appropriate action or lack of effort because of the most defeating statement of "I can't." However, when you do believe in yourself, your personal belief statements are filled with these extremely powerful words, "I can!"

The second key to unlocking your success is taking action. According to Les Brown, "You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great." Success doesn't "just happen." And, you can't just wish for it to occur either. Success is the end result of someone consistently taking persistent and diligent action. And, those action steps should be taken with the thought in mind to be focused and to not give up, continuing to take action until success is achieved. This is the step that is continually missed and why so many dreams and goals are left unrealized by the individual wanting them to become a reality.

The third key factor to assist in achieving success is to find a coach or mentor. Find someone who has already done what you are looking to do. Have that person instruct you in the ways that he or she has used and steps they have taken to achieve their success. Learn from their experiences, both failures and triumphs, using the tools and techniques that worked for them. By doing so you can avoid repeating the mistakes that they have made and found don't work And, you can find out what things they did that did work. Not to mention which steps or methods worked better than others. This will help accelerate the time it takes to achieve what you want and be successful sooner.

If you want success and want it now, apply these keys to unlock Success' door. What are even more exciting are the profits and rewards found beyond that door.

Video Game Tester Jobs

What if I showed you how you can make $2000 per month, just by playing games?
Don't believe me? By the end of this article your perspective on work will have completely changed. Why? Because you'll have learned that you don't need some run of the mill job to make a living. And you'll have greater insight into how you can slowly accumulate wealth as a video game tester by doing what you love. At the end of this article, I provide a link that will get you started right away. In the meantime, read on to learn more about this fantastic money-maker!

It must be every young person's dream to get one of the video game tester jobs available in the industry. And now that dream is completely possible for anyone who shows interest and takes just a little initiative. That's right, you can have a video game tester job by next week if you put your motives into action today.

All video game tester jobs have immense appeal to everyone who enjoys video games. Imagine being paid to do what you enjoy doing most of all. One reason for applying for one of the video game tester jobs is that it gives you a foot in the door of the video games industry. Of course those who have programming or artistic qualifications may find it easy to break into the industry without applying for one of the video game tester jobs but for those without such qualifications it is not so easy.

There are two main types of video game tester jobs - paid and unpaid. The paid variety of video game tester jobs entails going into work every day (or at the very least reporting into work from home). The unpaid jobs involve the circulation of Beta versions of the software to volunteers for early feedback and help with debugging. Paid is obviously preferred and knowing this, we've provided a sweet little link at the bottom of the page that will give you more information on getting a paid video game tester job.

Having one of the video game tester jobs doesn't necessarily mean an easy life beckons. It is essential that video games are bug free and that they work as they should. Sometimes those who hold the video game tester jobs have not been involved in the original design of the game and don't have a vision of what the aim of the game is. In this case it is easy for functionality to be identified as a bug when it is in fact supposed to be there. And...that's pretty much the only negative I can think of. Other than that, you're getting paid for going about your regular routine. I should however warn you that just because you don't have to work 40 hours a week testing games, you should take this as some kind of a "whatever" side gig. You should treat the tester jobs you are given with some seriousness. After all, once you earn the respect of the software company you are testing for, you never know what doors can open up. Be smart and think long term.

It is not enough for those in video game tester jobs to simply find bugs. They must be able to record how they found the bug; what steps they had taken before the game crashed or behaved unexpectedly. They must be prepared to go the extra mile to help the developers provide the necessary fix.

It is, therefore, essential that those in video game tester jobs have a flexible approach to their work and an ability to look for a bigger picture when working. You may be asked by some software companies to really get involved in solving problems by listing specifics when reporting a bug. Again, look at this as a positive aspect to having a video game tester job. You're actually looked at as having a respected opinion. If you enjoy playing video games and show the hiring company a professional attitude, you will be given all sorts of opportunites. Maybe you have an interest in Designing Video Games. Maybe you have an Interest in making Video Game Music. Maybe you enjoy computers and are looking to get into the Information Technology field. In any of these cases, a Video Game Tester Job can provide the exact gateway you're looking for.

Other than that, you're home free to a sweet paycheck for passing the time away in your most enjoyable fashion It's not as difficult as you may think to get a gig testing video games. I've included a link below to a site that will show you exactly how to do it. So click away and find out how you can reel in some extra dough having a great time scoring touchdowns, killing aliens, infiltrating the enemies base or playing any other game you can thing of.

The Key Is to Get in Early

Clearly, the crypto world is still in its initial stages of development and adoption. The role of Crypto Trend is to provide impartial information, so investors can better weigh the dangers and the future potential of this very volatile sector, one that we have labelled the "wild west.' If you're willing to accept the risks, you can look forward to serious profit opportunities.

Crypto currencies hold great promise for the future. They can revolutionize money, infusing discipline into monetary policy. Unfortunately, the crypto space also has a dark side. It suffers from loose standards, questionable operators, excessive hype, and occasional market crashes. Also, buying the actual crypto currencies can be a cumbersome process, and as noted below, governments are now stepping in, trying to figure out how they can take a chunk of that action as taxes, fees, or some yet to be created method of taking your money from you.

If buying the actual CCs is not your cup of tea, understand that over the next few years we expect that the majority of the recommendations in the Crypto Trend Premium service will come from blockchain, and other technological advances that will change the way we do business, much the same way that the internet has revolutionized our lives.

Times change, technologies evolve. Ten years ago there were no mobile apps, or data clouds. Today we have robots, which are changing the way people do business, in everything from manufacturing to drones. In China, face-detecting systems can now authorize payments, provide access to facilities, and track the movements of every single person in a smart city. Soon we will be passengers in driverless buses and cars.

We will also see cloud-based AI services, which will make artificial intelligence tools available to a wide range of businesses. And even "Dueling Neural Networks", a breakthrough in artificial intelligence that allows AI to create images of things it has never seen, giving AI a sense of imagination.

There will be some serious privacy, security, and other issues that will need to be addressed as we step into the next evolution of technology advances, but as an investor, each of these advancements gives you the opportunity to make massive gains. The key is to get in early with the right companies, in the right technological trend.

Be clear here, while some of the stocks we will be recommending in Crypto Trend Premium will be known leaders in their field, other stocks will be unknown and unproven technology stocks that are not on the radar of the masses.

Many of these companies you've never heard of will be household names in just a few years.

It's tax time - are you ready for CC craziness?

Crypto currency (CC) investors have a lot to think about with the tax implications of buying and selling crypto coins. Many governments are still deliberating about how to get in on the action - in the form of taxation. They know there is big money at stake, and they know they are going broke, so they sure don't want to miss out. There seems to be no simple answer that all governments can agree on. Should CC's be treated as currency, as a commodity, as a security, as property, or some combination thereof?

For example, here is what's happening in the USA. In 2014 the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) determined that "convertible virtual currency", such as Bitcoin, will be treated as property. This decision means that purchases using CC's are subject to capital gain (or loss) and investment tax treatment, with all the associated reporting requirements. Given that there are many retailers who now accept CC's as payment, this means that the IRS requires everyone to do all this when spending their CC:

record the amount of coins spent
allocate the cost basis of the coins spent
subtract the cost basis of the coins spent from the actual price paid
report the difference to the IRS, and calculate the capital gain or loss, factoring in the date of when the coins were purchased
This all goes in your annual tax return, and you must pay the taxes owed, or claim the capital loss. All this work is generated by the consumer's choice of "payment method". Many analysts and commentators are calling this a prohibitive, crazy, quagmire. Can you imagine the nightmare if you purchased two cups of coffee every day, using Bitcoin as your payment method? You might need an army of accountants.
In the USA there are going to be other problems, as there are four departments that want to treat CC's in their own special way:

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission views CC's as a commodity
The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) is treating "some" coins as a security
The Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has stated that "certain activities involving convertible virtual currency constitute money transmission"
as shown above, the IRS insists on treating CC's as property
So here we have four different, inconsistent categories for the same thing, which prompts us to remind you to carefully check what's happening with the CC tax rules in your jurisdiction We can't promise you that it will make sense, or be easy to understand. It is another example of the "wild west" nature of this market space.
Stay Tuned!


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